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Chapa pico loro con llave para puerta corrediza LPC12L marca LOCK PLUS
Crayon cera verde Lyra
Crayon cera negro Lyra
Crayon cera azul Lyra
Crayon cera rojo 797 Lyra
Tijera zig zag 9 pulg mango plastico 013546 marca INCOLMA
Tijera para sastre 10 pulgs 180 013477 marca INCOLMA
pivote para puerta aluminio OP2700 marca OLIMPIA Disponible en color blanco, negro y gris
Disco diamante dentado 4 ½ pulg (115 mm) x 7/8 corte concreto, 13300 rpm max 2608615027 marca BOSCH
Cinta metrica 3 mts Gripper PG36E marca KOMELON
Cinta metrica 5mts Gripper PG59E marca KOMELON
Bisagra pivote para puerta aluminio OP2700 marca OLIMPIA Disponible en color blanco, negro y gris
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Hello, I want to thank you for creating a great template and for the excellent and quick support and help that you have been providing to me as I begin to work with it.
Hello, I want to thank you for creating a great template and for the excellent and quick support and help that you have been providing to me as I begin to work with it.